Friday, June 29, 2012

Simple Living

" A Simple Life " by Suzanne Conner
                                              Is there anything better than having a clothesline to get that fresh , air dried smell and crunchy feel to sheets and clothes ? Yes , one at a pink beach cottage with a view of the sea ! I am intent on living a simpler life and to enjoy little things as much as I can and this is one of my must haves . I grew up with one of these and it is where mama and Miss Iris used to visit while they hung out the clothes . and its where we would tie up a puppy so he wouldn't run off but could run back and forth tethered to the line . We built many a fort with a sheet and the line , we just didn't know any better ..... it just didn't get any better ! I know it sounds corny and maybe it lacks sophistication , but I need one of these to help me simplify my life , but also to bring back those memories that I hold so dear ! Wish me luck convincing my husband that bras and clothes hanging out there won't be so bad ! Have a great week and  happy Fourth of July. Suzanne


  1. That takes me back, way back to the mountains of VA and my mother's and grandmother's clotheslines. Thank you for the beautiful art and the beautiful memory.

  2. This is really beautiful art and a beautifully written story.
