Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Little Indian

my grandfather as a youngster
                                       After a conversation today with Jim at http://www.outdoorsdownsouth.com/ about our common thread of being from Blountstown , I began to reminisce about my grandfather ,Uncle Snap . His real name was Carey but we all called him Uncle Snap , even his children and townspeople. He was quite a character and storyteller and Jim and I were sharing stories about him . When he was a youngster his parents divorced and was raised by his mother . Lucky for him he grew up outdoors and loved the pines and palmettos of Calhoun county . He was crippled from polio but that didn't slow him down at all , he became class president and was captain of the football team , he was amazing. He was also highly excitable and loved the vim and vigor of life . Mama told of him being gored by a bull once and she was notified during school but was not allowed to go home (even though they lived next door to the school ). She said she slowly walked home afraid that he had been killed by the terrible injury , the yard was full of cars .... she expected the worst. When she opened the door of the house she could hear the unmistakable laughter of her father down the hall , she often said it was the best sound she had ever heard in her life ! I have so many stories about him that I will share later , like the alligator in the bathtub and looking for buried treasure in Memaw's yard , the list goes on . But this wonderful man shaped my life , Al and I both say he was and still is our moral compass , and he made our childhood the most wonderful that a child could have . Hope you have a great week ! Suz

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